Saturday, April 24, 2010
16 May Rhythm of The Flaming Soul Concert
We'll play B Rossette, we arranged it into wind version^^
This would be the first time we expose to external audiences as an ensemble, please support banyak banyak.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Music Appreciation (MA)
Monday, July 6, 2009
FYYB Game & BBQ Event
Date: 11th July(Saturday)
Time: 5.30pm(Senior), 7pm(Jr. & Sr.)
Venue: Senior at PGKK(5.30pm) for game before move to Mr.Ong's house for BBQ
Junior at Mr.Ong's house(7.00pm)
Fee: RM10(for food, please pay to Xin Ying by this Saturday)
Wear slipper and comfortable cooling outfit(BBQ very hot), no need to wear sport shoes cause the game does not need to run.
Bring tupperware over to place your food, not gonna provide so many paper plate.We must save the earth
Thank You.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Piano Recital
Date: 28th June
Venue: Komtar Auditorium A
Time: 2.30-4pm
Entrance is free, ticket less..just walk in
Thank You!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
All Leaders' Meet 10.1.09
thx Mr Khoo for d video
Monday, June 8, 2009
Penang Fei Yang Ensemble Competition 2009
Date : 14th June 2009
Time : 8 am
Venue :
8.00 am – 8.30 am ~ D & G
8.30 am – 9.00 am ~ Warm Up
9.00 am – 9.05 am ~ Emcee Welcoming Speech and Introduce Judges
9.05 am – 9.40 am ~ Solo Category Competition
9.40 am – 9.45 am ~ Interval
9.45 am – 10.50 am ~ Group Category Competition
10.50 am – 11.00 am ~ Interval and Marks Calculation
11.00 am – 11.10 am ~ Result Announcement
Solo Catogory
No. | Name |
1 | Yeap Shi Jia |
2 | Yeap Shi Hong |
3 | Lee Kah Wei |
4 | Ow Teik Siang |
5 | Ewe Bee Peng |
6 | Yong Phaik Yi |
7 | Teh Jiu Zhen |
8 | Yong Phaik Voon |
Group Catogory
No. | Name |
1 | Trumpet Duet ~ Lim Xin Ying & Eunice Tan |
2 | Trombone Duet ~ Tan Lee Wen & Lai Ming Yang |
3 | Saxophone Duet ~ Winnie Giam & Lai Ming Jie |
4 | Euphonium Duet ~ Ng Kar Yen & Beh Huai Sheng |
5 | Percussion ~ Chuah Guat Eng, Saw Hoay Ping, Kok Jing Wen, Tan Yan Ching, Teh Yuan Dong & Ooi Sean Khan |
6 | Clarinet Duet ~ Tan Wen Chuen & Ooi Yang Han |
7 | Clarinet Trio ~ Low Zhi Huang, Tan Wen Loong & Ong Jor Dan |
8 | Horn Duet ~ Lee Chia Chee & Cherry Ong |
Extra Announcement:
~All contestants are to prepare their own costume as marks will be given for Persentation
~ PPs please inform your Junior that they are invited to the competition