Saturday, June 28, 2008

How to Take Care of Your Flute?

~When handling your flute, make sure that your hands are clean and dry.
~During assembly, remember to always hold the parts of the flute on the edge, never hold it where the keys are.
~If you're not using your flute, disassemble it and store it inside its' case. If you don't have time to disassemble, place your flute where it will be safe from any damage.
~Always make it a point to clean your flute after you use it to avoid deterioration of the pads. Use a different cloth to clean the inside from the outside of your flute.
~Never use metal polish on your flute.
~Do not lubricate or oil your flute.
~Do not try to adjust the setting of your flute yourself unless you have a good idea what you're doing.
~Contact an expert flute repairman if you're having problems with your flute.
~Store your flute at room temperature.
~Don't store in heated or damp areas.
Have your flute checked once a year by a flute serviceman to ensure your flute is in tip-top shape.Assembling the flute

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