Friday, August 1, 2008

How To Assemble Your Clarinet

•Prepare the reed. Place the base or stock of the reed into 1/2 to 1 inch of water. The capillary action of the reed will pull water from the base to the tip, despite gravity. As the water reaches the middle of the reed, where the slice begins, take the reed out and quickly wet the end into which you blow.
•Grease the corks if they seem dry.
•Remove the upper and lower sections from the case.
•Use a gentle pushing and twisting motion to attach the two sections, aligning the bridge keys, press on the tone hole rings of the Upper section and hold the bottom of the Lower section, so you don't bend any keys.
•Holding the LOWER section, Continue the same pushing and twisting motion as you attach the bell to the bottom of the lower section.
•Gently attach the mouthpiece to the barrel.
•Attach the mouthpiece and barrel to the Upper section.
•Put the reed against the mouthpiece- the side with the hole. Do not tap the top of the reed and try not to touch the front of the reed because the pores will get dirty and not play as well. Look at the side of the mouthpiece for reed placement. Line the tip of the reed vertically equal to the tip of the mouthpiece.
•Place the ligature (metal or fabric band that holds reed in place) over the top of the mouthpiece, being careful not to chip your reed. Do not over tighten for fear of breaking the ligature, leave it a little loose for best vibration
•Keep your clarinet well polished by using a soft cloth and rubbing it gently. Never use any type of metal polish or liquid on the instrument! It will ruin it.

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